
Blog’s New Feature: eStore

This blog has been established for a while now. We are now incorporating an eCommerce feature in the blog to help readers and general internet users to purchase downloads as well as a range of foods containing bioactives based on our research and works.

The downloads include:

  1. eBook covering topics in innovation and management
  2. eThesis covering PhD thesis conducted at Malaysian universities
  3. eReport covering topics in intellectual property valuation and valuation of firm
  4. eAccess sign-ins to on-line databases
Use various devices for on-line learning

We plan to offer a eAccess sign-in to extensive databases in partnership with Asia e University. Members will be able to use the on-demand learning platform for pure learning and register an on-line Bachelors, Masters and PhD degrees with Asia e University. We will announce when this eAccess sign-in will be operational.

A popular on-line Malaysian university

Please click the button: eStore on our website.

We thank all readers for your generous patronage.

Yours sincerely,

Dato’ Dr Anuar Md Nor